Is There a Market for Publishing your own Recipe Books?

Recipe books are used to share recipes, give people something to work with and to use in their own home cooking. With the age of the internet and everything being online, is there still any kind of market for recipe books? If you have something that can add to the market, it is still possible to release a recipe book and have some success with it. It often helps if you have...

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Making Seafood Linguine

Seafood linguine is one of the best seafood dishes that you can make, in my humble opinion. It is a fairly simple dish to make and prepare, provided you make some basic shortcuts and can be finished in as short as 20 minutes. Your first step is to fry some vegetables. Usually, these will just consist of onions and garlic, but you can add some chilli peppers and bell peppers...

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Creating the Perfect Beef Lasagne for Friends and Family – Recipe

When it comes to catering for friends and family, their is nothing else I would recommend than a good creamy beef lasange. It is easy to prepare, easy to serve (ish) and is a cost effective method of being able to feed a large family or group of friends. To being, start off with 500g of beef mince. Fry into the frying pan until golden brown. Add chopped tomatoes, garlic,...

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